Temporary PNRR - 400.12 IMATI PNRR
Selection by qualifications and interview pursuant to article 8 of the "Regulations concerning the recruitment of personnel with fixed-term employment contracts", for the recruitment, pursuant to article 83 of the National Collective Labour Agreement for the 2016-2018 “Education and Research” sector, signed on 19 April 2018, of a staff member with a professional profile of Researcher III level, at the Institute for Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies.(IMATI)- office headquarters of Pavia (CUP B33C22000700006)
Position available
1Detailed requirements
a) Master's Degree or Specialized Degree, or University Degree within the framework of the previous system in Physics (italian degree class LM-17), Computer science (italian degree class LM-18), Engineering (italian degree classes from LM-20 to LM-35), Mathematics (italian degree classes LM-40 and LM-44), Geophysics (italian degree class LM 79), Statistics (italian degree class LM 82),Geology (italian degree class LM-74), Environmental sciences (italian degree class LM-75) or equivalent. For degrees obtained abroad, non-academic recognition is required according to the procedure indicated in article 38 of Legislative Decree No. 165/2001 with the procedures set out in article 2 of the Decree of the President of the Republic No. 189/2009, amended by article 1 paragraph 28-quinquies of Law No. 15/2022. The candidate who is not yet in possession of the provision for recognition of the foreign qualification must declare in the application form that he / she has submitted the relative request. In this case the candidate will be admitted to the selection with reserve, it being understood that this recognition must be presented before the stipulation of the employment contract;
b) at least three years of experience in numerical methods for partial and/or ordinary differential equations and programming languages (C, C++, Python, MATLAB o equivalent ones), or in engineering applications related to the theme of the call, such as slope stability, groundwater flows, rainfall-runoff models, geomechanics, software for environmental applications, uncertainty quantification, sensitivity analysis, machine learning, or possession of a title of Research Doctor or PhD or equivalent in Mathematics, Physics,Computer Science, Engineering, Statistics, Geology, Environmental sciences.
c) knowledge of the English language.
Profile/Level (Italian)
Ricercatore III livelloEntity (Italian)
PAVIAOffice (Italian)
Institute for Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies.(IMATI)Starting date
02/05/2023 18:00:00Expiration
01/06/2023 18:00:00Attachments
- Bando di concorso in Italiano RAISE_BANDO_400_12_IMATI_PNRR_signed (1).pdf
- English Call RAISE_BANDO_400_12_IMATI_PNRR_english_signed.pdf
- Commissione del Bando di concorso 2023-CNR0A00-0171389_TD_RAISE_PV_PNRR_-_400_12_IMATI_PNRR.pdf
- Atti Concorsuali BANDO N. 400.12.IMATI.PNRR CRITERI DI VALUTAZIONE_Redatto.pdf
- Allegato generico al Bando di concorso Pubblicizzazione-prova-orale-signed.pdf
- Graduatoria del Bando di concorso PROVV APPROVAZIONE ATTI GRAD VINCITORE 400.12_signed.pdf